Ep. 4 – Escape the Homeschool Comparison Trap

Are you tired of falling into the comparison trap while homeschooling?

In this episode of the 90 Minute School Day Podcast, I guide you as we explore the comparison trap of homeschooling, or rather – how to avoid it!

What to expect from this podcast and the format of each episode:

  • Storytelling 
  • Training
  • Tools
  • Mindset Shift
  • Testimony, Question, Tips



The comparison trap is usually cued by these typical questions…

  • “How do I know I’m picking the right curriculum”
  • “What do I need to buy, and how do I set up my homeschool space?”
  • “How do I schedule it all?”

The trap can also be triggered by these common fears…

  • Can I teach them to read?
  • Am I qualified? They know more in some areas that I do!
  • We hardly ever complete our planned work and I always feel like we’re behind – Am I doing enough?
  • Are they at grade level? Will they be able to re-enter the school system if they need to?
  • What about state standards? Our area requires we record hours and days of study.
  • I feel like I’m failing them.


To escape the comparison trap, we first need to understand what learning truly is, what it isn’t and how humans actually learn. It is from this place of understanding we can begin to combat the myths and fears around homeschooling.

Through candid discussions and insights, I introduce the concept of authentic learning, emphasizing its diverse avenues including experiential, social, self-directed learning, and the role of mistakes and reflection.

Tools to Try:

By prioritizing a strong “Why,” family values, and progress tracking, I empower you to escape the comparison trap, fostering an environment where each child’s unique strengths and interests can flourish, ultimately creating a thriving homeschooling experience grounded in growth and self-discovery.

Mindset Moment

My best friend says, “Don’t let someone else’s sense of urgency become your priority.”

I’ll adapt that to say “Don’t let someone else’s success become your benchmark.”

Tips for the Road Ahead

  • Curate Individuality
  • Create a Nurturing Environment
  • Celebrate Progress
  • (Stay) Curious


As we wrap up today’s episode, we want to remind you that escaping the comparison trap and embracing authentic learning is a journey. At 90 MSD, we are here to support you every step of the way. Remember, you are providing your child with a rich, personalized, world-class education that will serve them well in all of life…and learning doesn’t stop when they leave your home!


Today’s story from the trenches is from Nichole, homeschooling mom-of-6.  In this episode, Nichole share’s how she escaped the comparison trap of perfection with confidence!  Thank you, Nichole for sharing your journey so beautifully.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to submit your own story!

Resources and Support

No matter what, you are the very best parent for your child!  Trust your gut and continue to learn alongside your kids, growing together.

I’d love to connect personally, find me on Instagram.

You’re doing a great job, let’s make it easier!


Be Featured on the Podcast!

The 90-Minute School Day™ podcast aims to support all homeschooling families with a focus on neurodiverse families, with learning differences and unique learning styles.  Be featured on the podcast by sharing your story, struggle or asking your question here. Or leave your recording by clicking the mic below.