Can I Teach My Children?

90MSD - discovery-5

Let me tell you a secret…

Children are natural learners and parents are natural teachers.

Children are natural learners. Babies work hard at holding their head up, then rolling, sitting, crawling, pulling up, standing and walking. All the while, they are also learning how to speak a language, operate their hands, use their mouths, and reason through cause and effect: the buildings of logic.

Parents are natural teachers. We are our children’s champions, by their side to encourage, pick up, kiss, ask them to try again. We are there beside them, cheering them on. This is education. This is learning. This is life.

Children are curious and in awe of all that is around them. That puddle they just jumped in? It was their first time. They were curious, they experimented, and they were delighted with the effect! What a privilege to be on this journey with them, to remind ourselves of the delight of a found acorn, or an especially large stick or smooth stone.

Children have compassion and empathy many adults have outgrown. They are curious about their world and want to step up and help. Whether the help is washing the dishes, sweeping, feeding the pets, the young child wants in. They are imaginative and their hearts love stories of bravery, adventure, overcoming obstacles and kindness. This is education.

Learning happens every moment of every day.

All day long, we are either saying, “Yes” or “No” to an opportunity to learn. Join us as we build a community of families that are ready to get intentional and say, “Yes!” more.