Spring Fever Solved in 6 Steps

Spring Fever Solved in 6 Steps

Renew your homeschool this spring with our springboard sensory series, also known as: spring fever solved in 6 steps.  

Following winter each year, the weather warms and the sun returns.  Our senses awaken as our days lengthen.  We hear the birds return to sing and see the new life burst green from the earth.  Because of this, our energy increases and spirits lift.  If your home is anything like mine, attention to more formal studies wane and our bodies want to move and be outside. 

If this sounds familiar, tune in to pick up some new tips or be reminded of mindsets to exercise in your home and in your family’s schooling. 

Don’t resist the natural urges you and your children have in this season.  Rather, embrace them and use this energy to spark life into your studies, or grant permission to deviate from them and cultivate another area of interest.  

Spring fever is solved in 6 steps by employing these intentions:

Focusing on these practical applications will springboard you into spring (so corny)!  Purge the negativity and stagnation of the winter blahs and welcome spring with a proactive and positive outlook. 

As mamas, we not only set the tone, but also are the thermometer of our homes.  Let’s be solution-oriented and launch a new season successfully by focusing on a word each week to help maintain sanity and build connection.  In order to be successful with these intentions, we also need to engage support by gathering with community. 

If exercising these mindset muscles sound good to you, here are three ways you can join in and focus with us:

  • Join Clubhouse and come to our rooms to listen and share in community with like-minded families.  Contact me directly if you need an invite.  
  • Follow us on Instagram and comment or hashtag us. I’ll be sharing tips and be sure to leave yours!
  • Join our weekly newsletter of encouragement and inspiration for homeschooling and motherhood. (Scroll to the bottom to sign up)

It’s lonely in motherhood and things can get isolating, especially now.  Despite of this, we have tools available to connect and support, so plug in and get to know other parents in a meaningful way.

spring fever solved in 6 steps

Ep. 36 – Reimagine Reading: It’s Not A Race!

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen to on Spotify This episode challenges conventional thinking about reading and literacy, inviting you to reimagine what learning to read can look like. If you’ve ever worried about whether your child is “on track” or