Teach Reading in 5 Minutes

Teach reading 5 minutes

Discover how to teach reading in 5 minutes.

Have you ever thought you could never homeschool because you are not a teacher?  I’ve got a secret to share, every parent is their child’s first teacher.  Every parent is their child’s most consistent teacher.  Do you help your child with school projects or homework?  That’s teaching.  “What about teaching to read?  I can’t do that.”  Yes, you can. 

Regardless of how you choose to educate your children, your role as parent is still the primary influence in their lives.  An enormously impactful way you can spend time with your child is to sit and read aloud to them.  It doesn’t need to be more than 15 minutes, or even 5 minutes to start.  This time builds cognitive development, but it also builds emotional connection between you and them through the shared experience.  It will grow naturally as you commit to it.

The largest neurological development in a human being’s life is during age 0-3 years, when a child’s brain reaches 80% of an adult’s volume. 

The second largest time in a human life for brain development is during puberty.  The brain is finished growing in the mid-20’s when the frontal lobe closes.  The ability to learn language skills are at their peak before age 6!

Besides talking to your children, the next greatest form of language development is to read aloud to your children.  This is the first step in learning to read.  It introduces complex vocabulary, syntax and concepts that do not occur in conversational language.  There is a rhythm and cadence to the written word that develops grammar and comprehension, especially when read aloud.  Reading aloud also builds connection and relationship as something to share, interact with and enjoy together.

Did you know that the average picture book publishing standard is 500 words and takes about 2 minutes to read?  A longer picture book takes 5-10 minutes to read, with the longest not lasting more than 15 – 20 minutes.  We can all make time for this.  Reading aloud is simple and easy to do and vitally important for the intellectual development of your child. 

Grab two picture books and invite your child to sit with you and teach reading in 5 minutes. 

Here is a list of resources to get you started.  Bookmark this page for the next library trip!

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