Trying to figure out parenting and home educating?
Overwhelmed and frustrated with your child, the curriculum, the chaos?
Are you curious about homeschooling and would like to start but need guidance on the journey?
Schedule an Initial Free Consultation if you answer “Yes” to any of these questions.
Are you currently homeschooling and find it challenging, frustrating, something you dread or are just overwhelmed?
I've been there. Burnout and overwhelm happen! They leave you feeling stuck and frustrated. Let’s build a targeted approach to bust through these stagnation points and re-find your joy and purpose in home education.
Are you experiencing daily struggles and battles over schoolwork?
Being a parent and a teacher is taking on the two hardest jobs in society. They are also the most rewarding. Let’s reframe the struggles together and refocus on the growth opportunities you are building within your children and yourself.
Are you on the rollercoaster of conventional education and interested in pursuing self-directed, natural learning but aren’t sure where to start?
There is so much freedom available in home education, each family is unique and the educational approaches are as diverse as the philosophers who created them. We will assess your family’s uniqueness and your strengths to build a custom plan to guide you into homeschooling successfully.
Do you have a little person you’d like to keep at home a few more years before starting school?
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the average time a parent cares for a child from 6-12 years-old is just under 1 hour a day. Homeschooling is a great solution to formal education. This gives the child and parent more time at home to encounter learning in a family setting and it also gives the parent insight into how a child learns and struggles they may encounter in learning in a classroom setting to help you advocate for them.
Are you interested in homeschooling but writing it off because you are a single parent or both parents work?
Homeschooling can happen with a single parents or two working parents. It takes thinking outside the box. We will work together to prepare your family for success by building rhythms, habits and systems that are adaptable to the changing seasons in life.
Has your life flipped upside down and inside out? Are you ready for the flexibility and freedom homeschool can bring into your life?
If yes, it’s time to get intentional, dream big & cast a vision. With our strategic and innovative coaching, we will clarify your goals, your purpose and values that will create the custom learning roadmap for your family.
Are you an entrepreneur or have a job that is location independent? Do you dream of traveling more as a family, but traditional school is tying you down?
This has been one of the greatest outcomes we’ve enjoyed as a result of deciding to keep our children home, to have the freedom and flexibility to take advantage of roadschooling and worldschooling. We live our lives together, learning as a family and engaging with the world around us as our classroom and teacher.
Is your child neurodiverse or dealing with a physical, social, or emotional challenge that the bell curve approach of the classroom isn’t able to serve?
Our own homeschooling journey started here with some overlap in other categories that helped us make the leap. We are a trauma-informed family of three super awesome kids and understand the unique gifting of every child. These are not liabilities, these are super powers!
Are you living internationally where homeschooling is still an educational frontier and you need guidance on the journey?
We are connected with families around the world that are home educating to assist navigating these waters. Let’s collaborate.

When you are in the middle of your life, it’s hard to be objective (if not impossible) to see the forest for the trees.
We will weigh your assets and liabilities, identify where you are rocking it and areas that need more attention. We will use your identified strengths to fuel this growth, together.

You will have someone in your corner who believes in you, understands your environment and family dynamic and is there to identify paths to overcome the obstacles.
Through regular accountability, introspective assessment, time management and re-aligned priorities, you will be equipped to achieve your goals and take your home life to the next level.

Get started!
Fill out the form below to get started with a FREE consult!

Coaching Testimonials
E is super excited for tomorrow! And I totally bailed on the coop & feel FREEDOM! Was the best move & thanks for your guidance on this!

Wanted to let you know that your last email summary has been very helpful whenever I had time to decompress from the day, to jog memories on what I am supposed to reflect on. Thank you.

I did re-evaluate after your last email and was actually able to set up a routine/habit stack of sorts that has actually been super helpful. Thank you again! I recommend you to anyone I talk to who homeschools 😊

Thank you so much for yesterday, we so needed a tune up and some guidance! Looking forward to learning more from you and starting some of the practices we talked about yesterday!

60 Minutes Each
Expanded One-on-One mentoring
Includes goal setting tools
Individualized road map
Detailed notes from every session emailed to you
Email Q&A
Resources and Recommendations
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