Ep. 1 – Our Homeschool Origin Story

The 90-Minute School Day™ was created as a deschooling framework and system to approach natural learning by Kelly, a homeschooling foster-adoptive mother, in search of a more attachment-based approach to learning.

Kelly’s family’s decision to homeschool was driven by the desire for stronger attachment with their foster-adopted daughter, who joined the family in kindergarten.

Background and Struggles

Like many homeschooling parents, Kelly was traditionally educated and didn’t plan to homeschool her children.  The decision to homeschool brought a learning curve, doubts and fears that felt overwhelming.

Kelly’s initial homeschooling approach mirrored a traditional school setting, which led to burnout and battles over learning.

The turning point came in the third year when the family deschooled their mindsets and approach, away from school-at-home and towards learning as a lifestyle.

Influences: Maria Montessori, Charlotte Mason, and John Holt

Kelly’s interest in Maria Montessori and Charlotte Mason philosophies grew, as did her fascination with John Holt’s unschooling approach to education.

These three educational philosophers influenced the development of the 90-Minute School Day™ method.

The approach emphasizes empowering and respecting the child as a whole, unique learner.

A Relationship-Centered Approach

The 90-Minute School Day™ prioritizes maintaining strong relationships within the family and community to support effective learning.

Steps to Begin Homeschooling

  • Deschooling: shedding a traditional school-at-home mindset and understanding natural learning principles.
  • Environment: Creating intentional and nurturing environments includes physical, relational, and temporal aspects.
  • Learn the Method: Understanding the 90-Minute School Day™ method, which promotes relationship-centered and self-directed learning that occurs naturally in family life.

Community is Essential

Seek in-person or online homeschooling communities for support and connection. 

Resources and Support

Kelly offers one-on-one coaching and a self-paced course on the 90-Minute School Day™ method.

There is also Guide Training™, a live group learning environment, for those who prefer community learning.  Join the waitlist here.

Stay tuned for more episodes, including guest stories and further exploration of the 90-Minute School Day™ method.

Listen to Kelly speak about the 90-Minute School Day™ on these other podcast episodes:

The Better Behavior Show with Dr. Nicole Beurkens: Why you Might Want to Consider Homeschooling for 90-Minutes A Day

Honey! I’m Homeschooling the Kids: Finding Freedom Within Structure with Kelly Edwards

I’d love to connect personally, find me on Instagram.

You’re doing a great job, let’s make it easier!


PS – The 90-Minute School Day™ podcast aims to support all families, with a focus on neurodiverse families with learning differences and unique learning styles.  Be featured on the podcast by recording your story, struggle or asking your question here. Or click on the reply mic box below!

Ep. 36 – Reimagine Reading: It’s Not A Race!

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen to on Spotify This episode challenges conventional thinking about reading and literacy, inviting you to reimagine what learning to read can look like. If you’ve ever worried about whether your child is “on track” or