Ep. 20 – Homeschooling: How Do I Not Screw This Up?

In this episode, we dive into the joys and challenges of homeschooling with a LIVE audience as part of our “How to Be an Awesome Homeschooler’s Summer Conversation Series!” 

We ask and answer the following questions: 

  • What does it mean to be successful in homeschooling?
  • How does that definition vary for each family?
  • What are you afraid of (in homeschooling)?
  • What does control have to do with it?
  • What can we do to help ourselves?

Robyn and Kelly share personal stories and insights on maintaining connection, open communication, and understanding family values. They emphasize the importance of reflecting on your homeschooling journey, addressing fears, and ensuring that your goals align with your family’s needs. The significance of autonomy and self-advocacy for children is also discussed, especially as they grow older.

Join us for a heartfelt and enlightening discussion!

Sign-up here to join our Summer Conversation Series!

Upcoming Conversations, hosted LIVE at 11 AM EDT:

  • July 16th – How Do I Know If I’m Doing Enough?


Whether you’re a seasoned homeschooler or just starting out, this episode offers valuable perspectives and practical advice to help you navigate your homeschooling path successfully.

Kelly Edwards +
Robyn Robertson

Kelly Edwards and Robyn Robertson are co-creators of How To Be An Awesome Homeschooler.  They are committed to encouraging, equipping, and inspiring homeschooling and unschooling parents and families. Their friendship, which began online during the pandemic, has blossomed into a powerful partnership dedicated to supporting families through connection and relationship-building, reaching a wide audience of homeschooling enthusiasts.

Resources and Support

Wild + Free conference in Sept.

Honey, I’m Homeschooling the Kids podcast

Honey, I’m Homeschooling the Kids patreon

90-Minute School Day podcast

Looking for Natural Learning support? 90-Minute School Day in the Life community

Need support in Deschooling?  Join the waitlist for Guide Training™, our signature live group coaching co-hort, offered twice a year. 

Kelly also offers one-on-one coaching and a self-paced course on the 90-Minute School Day method.

Listen to or invite Kelly to speak about the 90-Minute School Day™ here.

At the end of the day, trust your instincts and explore alternatives to what isn’t working!

I’d love to connect personally, find me on Instagram.

You’re doing a great job, let’s make it easier!


Be Featured on the Podcast!

The 90-Minute School Day™ podcast aims to support all homeschooling families with a focus on neurodiverse families, with learning differences and unique learning styles.  Be featured on the podcast by sharing your story, struggle or asking your question here. Or leave your recording by clicking the mic below.

Ep. 36 – Reimagine Reading: It’s Not A Race!

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen to on Spotify This episode challenges conventional thinking about reading and literacy, inviting you to reimagine what learning to read can look like. If you’ve ever worried about whether your child is “on track” or