Ep. 3 – Decoding the Language of Homeschooling: How to Speak Homeschool-ese with Confidence.

Lost in a sea of homeschool jargon? Join us as we decode the language of homeschooling, exploring the various methodologies and essential terms to boost your confidence (and your vocabulary) in your homeschooling adventure!  In today’s episode, we’ll delve into the confusing world of homeschool jargon and demystify the terms we use as homeschoolers.

Understanding Different Homeschooling Approaches

Traditional, Classical, Charlotte Mason, Montessori, Waldorf, Reggio Emilia, Project-Based Learning (Unit Studies), Eclectic, and Unschooling.

Essential Homeschool Terminology

Homeschool, Deschooling, School-at-home, State curriculum, Portfolio, Testing, Board of Education, Notice of Intent, Dual-enrollment, Co-op, Curriculum, Boxed Curriculum, Umbrella Schools.

Homeschool-ese: Conversational Language Homeschoolers Use

Socialization, Strewing, Morning Time, Gameschooling, Worldschooling, Roadschooling/Carschooling, Natureschooling, Mapwork, Read Aloud, Poetry Teatime, Copy Work, Dictation.

Eight Essential Things You Need to Homeschool:

  1. Relationship
  2. Observation
  3. Emotional Regulation
  4. Communication
  5. Quiet Time
  6. Shop Your House
  7. Library Card
  8. Community

Why Community is Important

Social Support and Encouragement, Emotional Support and Co-Regulation, Sense of Belonging and Identity, Learning from Others and Perspective Shift.

Resources and Support Mentioned

Thank you for joining us today on the 90-Minute School Day™ podcast – Happy homeschooling!

I’d love to connect personally: find me on Instagram!

You’re doing a great job, let’s make it easier!


Be Featured on the Podcast!

The 90-Minute School Day™ podcast aims to support all homeschooling families with a focus on neurodiverse families, with learning differences and unique learning styles.  Be featured on the podcast by sharing your story, struggle or asking your question here.  Or click the ‘reply’ mic on the box below right now!

Ep. 20 – Homeschooling: How Do I Not Screw This Up?

In this episode, as part of our “How To Be An Awesome Homeschooler Summer Conversations Series” we ask and answer the following questions: What does it mean to be successful in homeschooling? How does that definition vary for each family?
What are you afraid of (in homeschooling)? What does control have to do with it? What can we do to help ourselves?

Ep. 18 – In Summertime We Are All Homeschoolers

Kelly shares insights on embracing a relaxed summer approach, and the importance of being present with your children. This episode encourages listeners to set aside the pressures of planning the perfect homeschool year and instead, enjoy the enriching experiences summer offers.