In this episode, we explore why reading aloud is the first answer for any disability, difference, resistance, struggle, overwhelm or doubt in your homeschool. 

Mindset Moment

  • Let’s reframe the “learn to read, read to learn” adage.
  • Shifting the focus from reading as a tool for learning to fostering a love of reading first.
  • The value of building a foundation of joy in reading.
  • Language is relational, and reading aloud enhances this connection.



We explore 6 definitions to answer the question, “What is language?”

  1. Language is human communication, a system of sharing knowledge through form and meaning. It can be written, verbal, or gestured.
  2. Language is always changing. 
  3. Language is the primary way we do things together 
  4. Language is a form of joint action and attention.
  5. Language is only understood if there is common ground.
  6. Language is a play invitation, for all of us.

We answer why reading aloud is the first answer to various learning or behavioral challenges in homeschooling.

We dig into 5 areas of neurodiversity noting some (not all) of the struggles with that learning difference and how to use the child’s strengths associated with their learning difference to access and approach reading aloud.  Learning differences discussed: autism, non-verbal, adhd, dyslexia, and hearing-impaired.

Reading aloud is the first answer to homeschooling challenges because it is a low-demand approach for any struggle you and your children are experiencing in a particular season because it is relational.  Reading aloud together builds (or repairs) relationships by facilitating understanding of not only the content, but one another.

On a hard day.  Drop the drainers, pick up a book and read aloud together.

meet Marci

Marci is a wife and mom-of-3.  She has been homeschooling for 14 years, is an avid nature lover, homeschool community leader and loves to learn alongside her children, getting lost in deep conversations, good books and the outdoors. 

Resources and Support

Free to Learn by Peter Gray

Body Doubling

90-Minute School Day Reading Discussion Guide – Use this free download to foster conversations in reading!

90-Minute School Day Support:

At the end of the day, trust your instincts and explore alternatives to what isn’t working!

I’d love to connect personally, find me on Instagram.

You’re doing a great job, let’s make it easier!


Be Featured on the Podcast!

The 90-Minute School Day™ podcast aims to support all homeschooling families with a focus on neurodiverse families, with learning differences and unique learning styles.  Be featured on the podcast by sharing your story, struggle or asking your question here. Or leave your recording by clicking the mic below.