How to respond to a crisis with your kids

Mr Rogers Quote

I sent this out as my newsletter last week and decided to share here also.

Facing Tough Times?

Today is January 7th, the first day after Epiphany (aka the 12th day of Christmas).  It’s a fresh year.  It’s also the first day after a national crisis here in the U.S.  Yesterday, the United States Capitol was stormed by an angry mob of citizens and one woman died from gunshot and three other people from medical emergencies.  In this uncertain time, after an uncertain year – how best do we respond?  What do we tell our kids?

Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers) once said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers.  You will always find people who are helping.'”

Look for the helpers.  Profound advice from Mrs. Rogers.  As parents, I encourage us to echo this to our children.  Let’s take it even further and turn it into a lesson on personal responsibility.

Personal responsibility is the foundation of any law code – from Hammurabi’s, the 10 Commandments, Confucius.  These can be all be summed up in the golden rule.  

We cannot change or make anyone else do the right thing.  We can only change and do the right thing ourselves.  So, be the helper.

Talk this concept over with your kids – especially as it relates to handling adversity and the unknown.  

Be a helper.  Be generous.  

Give time to others, find time by limiting screens and media to just what you need to stay informed.  Find ways to meet the needs of others.  Build time for reflection, pray.

Be a light in the darkness. 

Love and peace to you and yours.


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