
School is Out, Natural Learning is In!


Ep. 20 – Homeschooling: How Do I Not Screw This Up?

In this episode, as part of our “How To Be An Awesome Homeschooler Summer Conversations Series” we ask and answer the following questions: What does it mean to be successful in homeschooling? How does that definition vary for each family?
What are you afraid of (in homeschooling)? What does control have to do with it? What can we do to help ourselves?


Ep. 18 – In Summertime We Are All Homeschoolers

Kelly shares insights on embracing a relaxed summer approach, and the importance of being present with your children. This episode encourages listeners to set aside the pressures of planning the perfect homeschool year and instead, enjoy the enriching experiences summer offers.


Ep. 17 – Put Curriculum in its Place!

Do you ever feel like you’re drowning in curriculum choices? I know the feeling all too well. Reviewing options can be endless and overwhelming, leaving us with questions like:

Did I pick the right one? Do I need anything else, or did I order enough? How much should I spend? Do I get a grade level for each of my children? How can I simplify this? Do we have to do all of it?  Do I need to study? 

If you’ve ever found yourself pondering one or several of these questions, you’re are not alone! 


Ep. 15 – Your Must-Have Homeschool Guide

This episode previews Guide Training™, delving into the transformative approach of guiding children in homeschooling rather than simply teaching them. Emphasis is placed on understanding neurodiversity and adopting natural learning practices through deschooling, using biological rhythms instead of schedules, and viewing learning using the 90-Minute School Day™ lens.


Ep. 14 – Strewing for Success in Your Homeschool

Strewing. What is it and why should I do it? Strewing is a tool that every homeschooler needs in their toolbox. Whether you already strew or are curious to start – this episode will help you look at this practice in a new light.