
School is Out, Natural Learning is In!


Camp Mom: Survive Summer Successfully

Camp Mom is a mindset to refresh your role to your kids, and to yourself. It is a simple way to connect with your children through the long days of summer by connecting in a fun way for a short period of the day.


Novelty Enhances Learning

Novelty is the natural learning process and it doesn’t necessarily stem from a book or classroom. The majority of learning happens as we live.

Spring Fever Solved in 6 Steps

Spring Fever Solved in 6 Steps

Spring fever is solved in 6 steps by employing these intentions:
• Laughter
• Touch
• Eye Contact
• Listening
• Yes! The Power of Yes
• Novelty

geography matters

Geo-literacy: Why Teach Geography?

Geo-literacy matters because you cannot understand the Earth’s diverse environments, their interactions and impact on humanity without geography.