
School is Out, Natural Learning is In!


Build a Better Homeschool: 5 tips on building rest.

R-E-S-T. This is the first step in homeschooling (and life). Before buying curriculum, joining a co-op, or reading that book written by that expert. You must build rest into your day. It’s the oxygen mask that will keep you going and allow you to deliver oxygen to your children.


How Do I Homeschool in 90 Minutes a Day? (Part 1 of 2)

The short answer is, because that is my goal.  I decide to implement 90 minutes of instruction and that is what we do.  Are there exceptions?  Of course.  If we keep it short, the rates of the likelihood for frustration


Why Homeschool?

90-Minute School Day was born from my own laboring in the homeschool world. From the first year, where we spent 4-6 hours a day on school and plowed through our curriculum to finish by mid-April, to a couple years where