natural learning

School is Out, Natural Learning is In!


Ep. 36 – Reimagine Reading: It’s Not A Race!

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen to on Spotify This episode challenges conventional thinking about reading and literacy, inviting you to reimagine what learning to read can look like. If you’ve ever worried about whether your child is “on track” or


Ep. 29 – Meet Your Natural Learner with Leah McDermott

Ready to explore the transformative power of child-led learning? Join us as we dive into the heart of natural learning, discussing why recognizing your child’s innate strengths, talents, and interests is essential to unlocking their full potential.


Ep. 17 – Put Curriculum in its Place!

Do you ever feel like you’re drowning in curriculum choices? I know the feeling all too well. Reviewing options can be endless and overwhelming, leaving us with questions like:

Did I pick the right one? Do I need anything else, or did I order enough? How much should I spend? Do I get a grade level for each of my children? How can I simplify this? Do we have to do all of it?  Do I need to study? 

If you’ve ever found yourself pondering one or several of these questions, you’re are not alone! 


Ep. 15 – Your Must-Have Homeschool Guide

This episode previews Guide Training™, delving into the transformative approach of guiding children in homeschooling rather than simply teaching them. Emphasis is placed on understanding neurodiversity and adopting natural learning practices through deschooling, using biological rhythms instead of schedules, and viewing learning using the 90-Minute School Day™ lens.


Ep. 11 – Play Homeschool Holiday Hooky!

In this special holiday episode of the 90-Minute School Day podcast, you’re invited to take a break from your usual learning routine and embrace the gift of “Holiday Hooky.”