Self-Care Planning for Homeschooling
Reset, refresh, refuel before reflection. Planning a personal retreat for each season is the key to a peaceful and present homeschooling parent.
Reset, refresh, refuel before reflection. Planning a personal retreat for each season is the key to a peaceful and present homeschooling parent.
Here is your permission to play HOliday hooky! Homeschooling during the holidays is just too much for most of us! Ditch it. Learning still happens. Playing hooky helps learning because our brains are wired to seek novelty, and a subsequent dopamine
Novelty is the natural learning process and it doesn’t necessarily stem from a book or classroom. The majority of learning happens as we live.
Kids hear “No” all the time. Here are some simple steps on creating more “Yes” moments without being a permissive parent.
The focus of parents is often to get a child to listen to them. Flip the script. Begin to listen and understand the child.
Eye contact in learning uses mirror neurons in the brain that activate when we observe another individual performing an action.
Neuroscience confirms that touch increases learning. Intelligence, connection and emotional resilience is built through touch.
Laughter sparks learning, choose laughter as a mindset. Proactively use laughter as an environmental element to accelerate learning.
©2024 90-Minute School Day
Inspired by Beflourish. A Harmonious Events initiative.