
School is Out, Natural Learning is In!


Ep. 11 – Play Homeschool Holiday Hooky!

In this special holiday episode of the 90-Minute School Day podcast, you’re invited to take a break from your usual learning routine and embrace the gift of “Holiday Hooky.”


Ep. 8 – Reading Aloud with Neurodivergence

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen to on Spotify In this episode, we explore why reading aloud is the first answer for any disability, difference, resistance, struggle, overwhelm or doubt in your homeschool.  Mindset Moment Let’s reframe the “learn to read,


Ep. 4 – Escape the Homeschool Comparison Trap

Are you tired of falling into the comparison trap while homeschooling?

In this episode of the 90 Minute School Day Podcast, I guide you as we explore the comparison trap of homeschooling, or rather – how to avoid it!


Ep. 1 – Our Homeschool Origin Story

The 90-Minute School Day™ was created as a deschooling framework and system to approach natural learning by Kelly, a homeschooling foster-adoptive mother, in search of a more attachment-based approach to learning.


5 Ways Holiday Hooky Grows Learning

Here is your permission to play HOliday hooky! Homeschooling during the holidays is just too much for most of us!  Ditch it. Learning still happens.  Playing hooky helps learning because our brains are wired to seek novelty, and a subsequent dopamine