
School is Out, Natural Learning is In!


Ep. 10 – Why don’t kids like school?

“Why don’t kids like school?” Tune-in and re-consider the challenges faced by children in conventional school settings (both at home and in a classroom) and what home educating parents may want to do differently.


Ep. 8 – Reading Aloud with Neurodivergence

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen to on Spotify In this episode, we explore why reading aloud is the first answer for any disability, difference, resistance, struggle, overwhelm or doubt in your homeschool.  Mindset Moment Let’s reframe the “learn to read,


Ep. 5 – Crafting Enriching Learning Environments

Join us on this journey as we uncover the essential elements that shape an optimal homeschooling landscape. Our vision shifts away from traditional models to embracing the power of interests, strengths, and real-world applications. Get ready to dive into the three critical environments: Relationship, Space, and Time.


5 Ways Holiday Hooky Grows Learning

Here is your permission to play HOliday hooky! Homeschooling during the holidays is just too much for most of us!  Ditch it. Learning still happens.  Playing hooky helps learning because our brains are wired to seek novelty, and a subsequent dopamine


Camp Mom: Survive Summer Successfully

Camp Mom is a mindset to refresh your role to your kids, and to yourself. It is a simple way to connect with your children through the long days of summer by connecting in a fun way for a short period of the day.


Novelty Enhances Learning

Novelty is the natural learning process and it doesn’t necessarily stem from a book or classroom. The majority of learning happens as we live.