Ep. 9 – The Science of Attachment: Reading Aloud is Key

Delve into the world of neurobiology and attachment, exploring the profound impact reading aloud has on relational synchronicity.  Reading aloud activates the whole brain and grows our collective cognitive and emotional empathy.

This episode closes our series on reading aloud.  The other episodes in the series are:

Episode 7, “If You Do Nothing Else, Read Aloud,” and Episode 8, “Read Aloud with Neurodivergence.

The Concept of Reading Aloud and Attachment

To have relationship, you have attachment, to have attachment, you must be regulated through co-regulation.  The practice of reading aloud operates as a bridge to connection on any day, however it is especially useful on days where connection is impaired and you, the parent, are depleted. Reading aloud offers a unique form of bodily, relational, and cognitive co-regulation through physiological synchronicity that is particularly helpful on hard days.

Relational Safety is a Basic Need

Food, water, shelter, safety and relationship are required for growth and well-being.  Learn how our brains process non-verbal communication and the importance of establishing safety for conscious dialogue and connection.1

Development and Anatomy of the Brain

We review basic neuro anatomy and function with a focus on the limbic system, cortex, and brain lateralization.  The role of the limbic system is critical in emotional regulation and attachment, including the amygdala as safety detector (neuroception).  Pre-conscious and conscious thought flow is explained through the left and right brain hemispheres and their respective parallel functions as dual processors.2,2a

Language Processors

Reading aloud activates both hemispheres of the brain and promotes attachment through physiological and emotional synchronization.  After defining reading in episode 7 and language in episode 8, in this episode we look at the ways language develops in the brain – analytic (left brain) and gestalt (right brain).3

Brain Functions and Attachment

These are the lateralized functions recognized in the human brain as it pertains to our topic today – reading aloud and attachment:4

Left Brain:

  • Linear, Logic, Language
  • Words, Symbols, Rules
  • Parts to Whole
  • Abstract Thinking
  • Patterns – looks for order in chaos and fits into a linear story

Right Brain:

  • Relational, Big Picture, Emotion
  • Images + experience
  • Whole to part
  • Concrete Thinking: Memories, Connection with body – Sensory system (autobiographical)
  • Stories stick because they are imbedded in an image


Reading Aloud as a Whole Brain Activity

Reading aloud engages both hemispheres and fosters emotional and cognitive empathy. 5  The role of mirror neurons is to process and connect with the story by referencing experiences and images gathered from our own lives.  Stories read aloud create a shared experience and emotional connection within families.  Read alouds become part of family culture, retold, and remembered.

Mindset Moment

Find your own mindset shift as Karema did through the characters in the read alouds that inspire you in your parenting and homeschooling journey.

Meet Karema

Karema Akilah is a fellow homeschool mom and original ‘Philly Jawn’ with strong southern tendencies.  Karema has played many roles on the stage of life. Her past titles include Morgan State University HBCU GRAD, public school teacher, wife, mother of TheHalfDozen and widowed single mom. Karema Akilah’s current leading role is the Visionary Founder of The Genius School’s 5 Pillar Genius Communities: A decentralized network of brick n’ mortar micro Self-Directed Learning Communities available internationally.  Genius Directors ask, “who do you never get to BE in school,” then they create a possibility for people to BE it, DO it and HAVE what traditional school doesn’t allow; Liberation, Authenticity, Creation and Community!

Resources and Support

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  1. Article – Understanding Unconscious Bias
  2. Dr. Allan Schore – Annals of General Psychiatry
  3. Article – Is Your Child A Gestalt Processor?
  4. Dr. Dan Siegel – The Whole Brain Child
  5. Huberman Lab Podcast – Science of Social Bonding in Family, Friendship & Romantic Love


Be Featured on the Podcast!

The 90-Minute School Day™ podcast aims to support all homeschooling families with a focus on neurodiverse families, with learning differences and unique learning styles.  Be featured on the podcast by sharing your story, struggle or asking your question here. Or leave your recording by clicking the mic below.

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